How to Renew your membership
Add to basket the chosen membership (Gold or Platinum)
Log into your account when prompted at the checkout
If you have never logged in before, please click the forgotten link (Forgotten? in top right) - this will allow you to set a new password.
Your email should be the same as the one from the email.

Gold Membership
What's included:

Use of MDCC logo on email/website/in premises

Free access to monthly MDCC business surgery

Visibility within the local business community (MDCC business register on website)

A voice with local government & MP

Opportunity for business introductions

Free Access to monthly networking events

Sustainability advice for business
£99.00 per year

Platinum Membership
Gold Membership benefits, plus:

Opportunity to showcase business at events

Opportunity to negotiate favourable terms for a range of services

Free access to guest speaker events

Promotion of member business through social media

Member business logo on MDCC website + additional benefits

Reduced entry fee to annual trade show

Discounted event venues across RBWM

Business awards application advice

Business Specific Sustainability advice
£249.00 per year